Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Rubbish Tree

Some things just work better in Bolivia. Granted, the list might be that long, but there are things that they just have down. Tops of the list has to be trash collection. In the states, our trash collection came once a week. But when it’s the middle of summer and there’s some stanky trash lying around, once a week just ain’t enough. In Bolivia the trash collection comes three times a week. You don’t even have enough time to accumulate that much garbage before they come again. And if that isn’t enough, they even have something our New Zealand friends at Altiplano Bolivia have dubbed “The Rubbish Tree.” It’s a tree down the street from them where people in the neighborhood hang their garbage on non-pickup days. Every day, some guys in a truck come and pick it up. No one seems to know who those guys are, why they come by, or who pays them... but they come, and the system just works.

Try that in the states!

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