Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Departure day arrives

Our last day at home was mostly spent packing. Amazingly, we fit everything into the bags we had—but just barely! I knew we were overweight (the bags I mean) but hoped we’d get a nice, easygoing agent at the check-in counter. Our family drove us to the airport and Samantha and I had a practice run maneuvering around with 5 bags, a double guitar case, laptop bag, camera bag, messenger bag, and Miles in a kennel cage. 

Miles—feline world traveler

With two carts we were able to slowly make it to the check-in counter, where we were greeted by friendly—but very stick-to-the-rulebook—LAN airlines agents. Dealing with Miles was relatively easy, but our bags were all overweight and I was afraid they’d stick us with loads of fees. In the end they did weigh them to the decimal point, but kindly let us through with minimal fees. And they didn’t say anything about us carrying way too many carry-on bags (I think they pretended not to see).

Checking in at LAX

Checking in at LAX

Upon boarding the plane a sense of calm came over us. The bags were on board. Miles was on board. We were following through on months of planning, finally realizing the goal we had set years before. The journey was barely beginning, but we had made an important first step. And there would be much more to come…


  1. Haha, you two must have been a sight with all those bags about yourselves. Glad to hear your arrival was without incident and looking forward to all the accounts.

  2. Good luck guys! And keep on creaming the Torq dream. :)
