Saturday, November 12, 2011

First things first...

After arriving at our rental apartment in Santa Cruz, we headed out for some dinner. Tripadvisor recommended a place called Kiwi's Cafe, which was walking distance from our building. So we went out and had our first meal in Bolivia.

It may seem strange, but at this point it hadn't really hit us we were there. Maybe it was the effects of such a long journey, but we didn't have that "ah ha" moment until these arrived:

Bolivian. Fruit. Smoothies. The best! We had these back in April but forgot how good they were. We ordered passion fruit (maracuya) and papaya, and upon first sip it hit us—"Uhm... we're like, in Bolivia!" There's just nothing like them in the states. The fruit is picked here when it's ripe, and since Bolivia has tropical regions the fruit doesn't have to travel thousands of miles. Incredible taste. Going to have lots more in the months to come.

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