Monday, March 5, 2012

Trip to the waterfalls at Coimata

Drive just 10 minutes outside the city of Tarija and there are some extremely beautiful places to visit. One of them is Coimata—a wilderness reserve that offers great hiking and photo-snapping opportunities. We recently went there with our friends from New Zealand. It was great to get away from the noise of the city and connect with nature. Check out the photos below!

Michael and Samantha at the waterfall
The hike to the waterfalls was pretty steep. We had to climb a sheer rock face that had been polished slick by thousands of years of running water and thousands of bottoms using it as a slide. Tough to walk up!
Shimon’s trying to decide if that murky water is deep enough to take a 15-foot jump into—turns out it was!
Samantha starts off the cannonball competition with a 9.2 (nice form!)
Michael takes a dive into the black, trying to avoid the sharp rocks on either side of the swimming hole
The whole group (minus Ana, the photographer)—on the rocks
Needed to rest a bit after all that diving...
The grill was primitive to say the least—but highly effective. We built a small fire pit from river rocks, gathered sticks and leaves to start the charcoal burning, and threw the meat on. I don’t think Smokey the Bear would consider it “forest-fire safe”…
Enjoying lunch—the meat was grilled to perfection!

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