Saturday, January 21, 2012

Photos of our new apartment!

The first month we were here, we stayed at a temporary apartment. However about six weeks ago we moved into our permanent residence. The first few weeks were pretty rough—the hot water and oven weren't working, and we didn't have any furniture. Since it was during the holidays it was impossible to get any handymen over to fix the issues, and most of the furniture stores closed up for a few weeks.

Thankfully that's all behind us now. We've been able to get the water and oven working, and have bought a few things for the apartment (no more sitting on the ground). It's not 100% done, there are a few things we still want to do. Over the next few weeks we plan on doing some painting and getting a few more things for the apartment. For now, take a virtual tour of our place! (click the images to enlarge...)

Our living room—couldn't find a good place to hang the hammock so now it's "art"

We're 1,000 miles from the nearest ocean but decided on a beach theme anyway—we can dream, right?

Here's the dining room—say hi to Miles!

The dining room table is doubling as my recording studio... Until I get a proper desk

Here's our small terrace—the rustic wooden ladder is for the maintenance guy to reach the water tanks on the roof... But it looks cool too!

The view from our small terrace—this is where we have breakfast and afternoon cocktails ;-)

Miles is getting adventurous and wonders what is beyond that wall...

Our large terrace, and master bedroom window—this is where the grilling happens!

The view from our large terrace

Looking out from our large terrace across to the small terrace...

The kitchen

Our outside hallway—this connects the main part of the house with the separate master bedroom

Our master bedroom—not much furniture yet, still working on that


  1. Wow! Your apartment looks GIGANTIC and amazing! Looked like a beautiful day too. Hi Miles!!!!!

  2. how breath taking the sky is and how Jehovah has blessed you both, the nite sky must be beautiful and the cat well he seems special I am Debbie Bautista's sister in law. thank you so very much for sharing this with us..
