Sunday, July 8, 2012

Back to Tarija—with suitcases packed to the brim

So if you moved away from home to Bolivia—a country that, let’s face it, has a pretty limited variety of packaged consumer goods to choose from—what would you bring back? Ah, yes. The “desert island” scenario. Interesting to speculate on when enjoying a long road trip with friends, but a painful reality when you have to pack your bags and keep them under 50 lbs each.

Before you take a closer look at our haul, I’ll warn you—most of what we brought back is food-related. What can I say…

Foodstuffs (Clockwise, starting at bottom)
  • Seeds for planting herbs and Mexican chiles—you just can’t find them in Tarija!
  • Saffron, vanilla, Spanish paprika, herbs de provence, Trader Joe’s chicken stock, and Lindeman’s seasoning
  • Trader Joe’s probiotics
  • Maseca for making homemade corn tortillas and sope shells
  • Mexican chocolate
  • Mexican dried chilies
  • Jamaica flowers
  • Plastic ziplok bags
  • Plastic wrap—you get two choices for plastic wrap in Tarija: 1) doesn’t stick to anything, or 2) sticks to absolutely everything and you can’t even dispense it properly
  • Loose-leaf tea (from the Loose Teas)
  • A bottle of beajoulais from France—thanks Johnnie and Brittany!
  • Three bottles of Lillet blanc
  • Water bottles
  • Yogurt starter
  • Spiderman parephanallia (I’m known as “Piter Parker” to the kids in our congregation, had to bring them something)
  • Cast-iron skillet
  • Gum


Dry goods (Clockwise, starting at bottom)
  • Mouse pad
  • iPad case
  • Digital photo frame
  • DSL modem
  • Telephone
  • Door sweeps
  • Books
  • Monopoly deal
  • Candles
  • Bath oils
  • Ikea wall decals
  • Curtains
  • Contact lens solution
  • Ikea curtain brackets
  • Settler of Catan
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (not for me, I swear!)
  • The New iPad (yes, for me)
  • Airport express
  • Toys for Miles (hey, gotta bring the kids back something)

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