Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scenes from Tarija, Part I

Here's a few shots we've taken around town recently... Click one of them to open a slideshow!

"That's a furry dog... Wait that's a sheep!", Samantha said

Reward: One lost burro. Likes weeds and grass clippings. Last seen picking around outside our building. 

Here's what the micros (buses) look like in Tarija

Storm coming... Check out how the clouds pour over the mountains like a river—awesome!

There's an old Spitfire in the roundabout down the corner from us... I have no idea why!

Parque Bolivar—Tarija's answer to Central Park

Chilling mid-day in Parque Bolivar

An advertisement for Kohlberg, one of the local wines produced here in Tarija—don't bother looking for it at Trader Joe's or K&L, Bolivian wine isn't being exported to the states yet

A "cholita" woman in traditional dress moving her ice cream cart

This old Dodge has seen better days, but it's having a big part in paving the road outside our building

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